I have €5 spending cash to my name so I'm going to get in touch with my travel insurance to see if I can get some funds to treat Evan to some exciting activities. Like, er, crazy golf.
As I'm stuck here for the future I need to get an income stream. The best plan I can see is that I should obsessively blog and attempt to become recognised as a European Lady of Letters whilst paying for my upkeep by economically exploiting Evan.
1. Income stream 1. Pool boy.
2. Income stream 2. Pool shark.
3. Income stream 3. Bar tender.
I might need to get a fake moustache for him to convince them that he's over 18. Will eyebrow pencil work?
4. Income stream 4. Celebrity chef.
Evan confirms he's mastered pizza and toasties and is now working on perfecting his spatchcock chicken with a ceps and artichoke coulis, parsnip flakes and an aniseed jus. Apparently it's a favourite lunchtime choice for y2.
5. Income stream 5. Lemon tree arboculture. Apparently he'll be a millionaire by next year.
So, wonder what the next few days and hours are going to bring?
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On the basis of these pics it looks suspiciously like Evan doesn't really share your chagrin at being stranded. Where are all the other people - looks like you have the place to yourselves!!!!!